
See the types' concepts for details.

How to create a type?

There are two ways to create a type:

  • Using the CLI letsgo-cli generate type user_type. Read the CLI documentation for more information.
  • Manually create a Go file named user_type.go in ./types.


In this example, we are defining a welcome.go in ./types that is imported in ./controllers/creeter_controller.go.

Path — ./types/welcome.go.

package types

type Welcome struct {
 	Greet    string `json:"greet"`
 	Doc      string `json:"link_to_doc"`
 	Github   string `json:"github"`
 	Examples string `json:"examples"`

Path — ./controllers/greeter_controller.go.

package controllers

import (
// Greet is the response for api/v1
func Greet(c *gin.Context) {

	welcome := types.Welcome{
		Greet:    "Welcome to letsGo",
		Doc:      "https://letsgo-framework.github.io/",
		Github:   "https://github.com/letsgo-framework/letsgo",
		Examples: "Coming Soon",
	c.JSON(200, welcome)