
Files structure

By default, your project's structure will look like this:

  • /controllers: contains the core code of your application.
  • /database: contains mongo-go-driver connector.
  • /helpers: contains helpers functions of your application.
  • /middlewares: contains middlewares of your application.
  • /routes: directory contains RESTful api routes of your application.
  • /tests: contains tests of your application.
  • /types: contains the types/structures of your application.
  • /jobs: for cron jobs
  • /mail: for sending mails and mail templates


Controllers are Go files which contain a set of methods reached by the requested route. It means that every time a route is requested, a controller method performs some business logic coded and sends back the response. They represent the C in the MVC pattern. In most cases, the controllers will contain the bulk of a project's business logic.

package controllers

import (

// Welcome !! The content below is only a placeholder and can be replaced.
type Welcome struct {
	Greet    string `json:"greet"`
	Doc      string `json:"link_to_doc"`
	Github   string `json:"github"`
	Examples string `json:"examples"`

// Greet is the response for api/v1
func Greet(c *gin.Context) {
	welcome := Welcome{
		Greet:    "Welcome to letsGo",
		Doc:      "",
		Github:   "",
		Examples: "Coming Soon",
	c.JSON(200, welcome)

In this example, any time the /api/v1 URL on your app is requested, the response will be the following:

    "greet": "Welcome to letsGo",
    "link_to_doc": "",
    "github": "",
    "examples": "Coming Soon"

Where are the controllers defined?

The controllers are defined in ./controllers/ folders i.e. controllers package. Every Go file put in this folder will be loaded with a controllers package. They are available through controllers package name. By convention, controllers' filename can be snake_case, but the methods should be exported having every word of the method name (include the first one) capitalized GetCredentials, Home.

Please refer to the controllers' guide for more information.


./routes/routes.go file define all available routes.

Currently letsgo only supports between mux or gin as router. Default is gin.

Please refer to the Create a new project for more information.


Types are a representation of the database's structure or normal struct. Types can be defined in the types package i.e. inside ./types Every Go file put in this folder will be loaded with a types package. By convention, types' filename can be snake_case, but the struct should be exported having every word of the struct name (include the first one) capitalized TokenResponse, Users.

Path — ./types/access_token_response.go.

package types

type TokenResponse struct {
	Access_token string `json:"access_token"`
	Expires_in   string `json:"expires_in"`

In this example, there is a TokenResponse types which contains two attributes Access_token and Expires_in.


A types must contain a list of attributes, and each of these attributes must have a type.

Please refer to the types' guide for more information.


letslog is defined under letslog package in ./log/letslog.go. It uses four severity levels (Debug, Info, Warn, Error) to display logs and save them in ./log/letsgo.log

Please refer to the log' guide for more information.